Last Update: 2024-02-20


  • In this article, I will share my personal setup on my laptop. Inspired by Eric Murphy’s fascinating Article .

  • You can explore my current dotfiles here . This repo is where I store all of my configuration files for various programs.

My Desktop Preview

My Desktop With Favorite Applications

Linux Distribution & Desktop Environment

  • 🐧 I’ve done my fair share of distro-hopping over the past few years, from ubuntu, to mint, fedora, opensuse, endeavouros and to arch countless times. But for the most part, arch has been my home. Mainly due to the convenience of the AUR and the fact that many smaller projects are often developed on arch, I have used it as my mainstay.

  • 🖥️ The largest reason for distro-hopping in the first place is because I like to try out different GUI environments and display managers, but I have been using hyprland for most of my time on arch and was an early adopter before it blew up on the r/unixporn subreddit.

Web browsing

  • For my web browser, I use Firefox . Here are the browser extensions I rely on:
    • Dark reader: nice on the eyes
    • Ublock Origin: a given
    • Simple translate: for my favourite websites 🏴‍☠️

Personal Development Environment (PDE)

  • I rely on Neovim as my Personal Development Environment (PDE). I am still definitely a VIM beginner by all means, but I really enjoy using it and wish to become more proficient at using Neovim.

  • I also use VSCodium for larger things, because cringe telemetry/tracking.

Terminal & Tools

  • My go-to setup for the terminal includes Kitty as the emulator, Bash (With OhMyBash) as my shell, and Tmux as a terminal multiplexer.

  • I used to use vifm as my file manager, and might go back one day, but for now I am using Thunar because my current tokyonight theme and icons fit it perfectly with minor visual flaws (cant say the same with nautilus). I am looking to switch to Yazi however as it looks very promising.

Media Player and Configuration

  • I rely on MPV as my go-to media player. (I might look into plugins soon)

Theme, Font, and Color Scheme

I embrace the Tokyonight color scheme for all my applications, including this website’s Dark Mode (Thanks nimendra 💟). When it comes to my terminal font, I opt for Iosevka consistently, because of its slim and modern (almost typewriter’y) look compared to most other nerd fonts.

This Website

  • This site is built with Hugo , a static site generator that outputs clean HTML and CSS, avoiding the bloat commonly found in modern web development.
  • This website utilizes the PaperMod Theme with some customizations.